Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How my childhood will affect my sons.

Well after reading my first post you should have some idea of my childhood. Don't get me wrong I do not think I had an unhappy childhood but there is something about it that is just not right. Who knows I may have some tragic suppressed memory that I am not aware of but I doubt it.
I guess the only thing I can do at this point is to look back and learn from it. Use what I learn to make myself better today.
One thing I strongly believe is that we parent the way we were parented. I realize that my parents really did not do that great of a job. I know they loved me, at least my Mom did, but something was not done right and I need to make sure I don't pass along the inferiority that I grew up with to my son.
How will I change my parenting style you may ask. Well I will make it a point to let my son know that I love him and I am proud of him. I will let him know that even the things that come easy to him he will have to work at. I will let him know how I feel when he misbehaves and fails at something, but I wont linger on what he done. Instead I will show him what he needs to do to better himself.
I was never given this advice or help. My parents tried to do the right thing and raise me the way they thought best but for some reason it failed me. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN WITH MY SON.


Simon said...

Thanks for visiting. You've made a good start with your blog. Keep writing.

Rose DesRochers said...

Chris, I think you have a good outlook.

(You now have your first reg reader)
